Saturday 6 August 2016

Azur Like It

Cannes Life Be This Nice??

You must be aware of the Wendy Holden if you are a regular reader & looks to read some humorist content.

Writing in her usual style, Holden has gathered story & humor together. 
Azur Like It is a story of a young journalist, Kate who lives in a northern town named Slackmucklethwaite with her mum, dad &  gran. She works in a magazine called Slackmucklethwaite Mercury & is totally unhappy with her job. She feels like her job is taking her nowhere & she won't be able to get a chance to grow from this small town. Her career took steep step when a corrupt business tycoon, Peter Hardstone takes over the Mercury. He slashes all the budgets & put more advertisements than news or entertainment content in the paper, which pisses everyone off. Cutting off the budget also affected Kate's dream of going to Cannes, France to cover the biggest film festival.

While the things are going so down, uneventful & dull for Kate, the story takes a turn & she gets to meet Hardstone's son Nat Hardstone, who also joins the office as a punishment from his father. He draws his plans around Kate & used her to reach Cote d'Azur for the Cannes festival so that he could make his contacts for entering into the film industry. 

Kate, an innocent girl, gets into his trap and even pays for his plane fares while herself traveling in economy class. As expected, Nat abandons her from the flight and never meets her until she sees him at the festival with, of course, we know the diva Champagne D'Vyne! They ran a fling that had no end like other ones of Champagne. 

The story has some very interesting moves that will direct your attention entirely on to the novel and you would want to know that what is going to happen next. 

Kate get to meet Celia in Cote D'Azur with her cheating husband who late Celia kicks off. Together, Celia and Kate does some adventures like putting the hotel back into running condition, in which they were staying. 
Kate also meets Fabien here, who is an intelligent painter and they fall in love later. There are some catchy scenes also scripted about both of them. 
Later on Kate gets few jobs in Azur like working in a low profile, only magazine of teh island. The other job she get is at the house of Comtese who happens to have some relationships with people close to Kate. To get to know that, you will need to read this novel. 

The natural scenery of Cote D'Azur is beautifully described by Wendy that will make you going for the place. 
I totally loved this novel like other ones from Wendy Holden. She makes simple scenerios into the funny ones that you enjoy reading them. 
Do read Azur Like It if you want to change your reading taste from serious to the humorous. 
I gave this novel 7.5 out of 10. 

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