Tuesday 16 August 2016

The Dark Arena

Who doesn’t know Mario Puzo? Surely, all of us.

The splendid creator of the character The Godfather was incredible that no one has ever beaten that story.

 Possessed with the distinctive writing and storytelling style, the Mario Puzo is an author with the wit. Personally, I have always felt that he has an influence over his reader. We get to learn something new and get social awareness too that how can we understand the people around us.
Mario Puzo has always focused on the stories of Italian Mafia and events occurred during Second World War. That was mainly because during his times, these two events were on hike.

The Dark Arena is another bestselling novel of Puzo, which was published in 1952 (that is a longest time back), in which he has described the story of an American soldier named Walter Mosca. Mosca came to fight in Germany where he meets a German girl named Hella who lost her family in the war.

The story revolves around these two when they fall in love and start living together at Mosca’s apartment. After 3 years, Mosca gets a chance to return to the States where he already had a girlfriend, but he sets her free because he was in love with Hella.  His family gets shocked, but he returns back shortly to Germany with his firm decision of being with Hella.

Although, the relationship story sounds too affectionate one, but it was very matured and simple with less interaction. Mosca is portrayed as a kind of man who thinks a lot while speak little and this is what, his girlfriend understands. His tough job and ruthless incidents during war turns  him into a cold man.
The story shows that how difficult the time was when there is war around and how painful experience it is for the soldiers and for the civilians, both. Mosca gets into selling cigarettes in black with his friend to earn some extra money as it was one of the most demanding items in the times of war.

There are many interesting scenes happening in the story telling you about the coarse outcomes of the war. Puzo is an expert in defining these scenarios better becsue he himself has served in the Army during the world war, thus, he knows the suffering well and the way people are being treated.
There is a lot to read and understand in The Dark Arena that will make you believe that Mario Puzo is a genius!
I gave 9 out of 10 to this novel.

Saturday 6 August 2016

Azur Like It

Cannes Life Be This Nice??

You must be aware of the Wendy Holden if you are a regular reader & looks to read some humorist content.

Writing in her usual style, Holden has gathered story & humor together. 
Azur Like It is a story of a young journalist, Kate who lives in a northern town named Slackmucklethwaite with her mum, dad &  gran. She works in a magazine called Slackmucklethwaite Mercury & is totally unhappy with her job. She feels like her job is taking her nowhere & she won't be able to get a chance to grow from this small town. Her career took steep step when a corrupt business tycoon, Peter Hardstone takes over the Mercury. He slashes all the budgets & put more advertisements than news or entertainment content in the paper, which pisses everyone off. Cutting off the budget also affected Kate's dream of going to Cannes, France to cover the biggest film festival.

While the things are going so down, uneventful & dull for Kate, the story takes a turn & she gets to meet Hardstone's son Nat Hardstone, who also joins the office as a punishment from his father. He draws his plans around Kate & used her to reach Cote d'Azur for the Cannes festival so that he could make his contacts for entering into the film industry. 

Kate, an innocent girl, gets into his trap and even pays for his plane fares while herself traveling in economy class. As expected, Nat abandons her from the flight and never meets her until she sees him at the festival with, of course, we know the diva Champagne D'Vyne! They ran a fling that had no end like other ones of Champagne. 

The story has some very interesting moves that will direct your attention entirely on to the novel and you would want to know that what is going to happen next. 

Kate get to meet Celia in Cote D'Azur with her cheating husband who late Celia kicks off. Together, Celia and Kate does some adventures like putting the hotel back into running condition, in which they were staying. 
Kate also meets Fabien here, who is an intelligent painter and they fall in love later. There are some catchy scenes also scripted about both of them. 
Later on Kate gets few jobs in Azur like working in a low profile, only magazine of teh island. The other job she get is at the house of Comtese who happens to have some relationships with people close to Kate. To get to know that, you will need to read this novel. 

The natural scenery of Cote D'Azur is beautifully described by Wendy that will make you going for the place. 
I totally loved this novel like other ones from Wendy Holden. She makes simple scenerios into the funny ones that you enjoy reading them. 
Do read Azur Like It if you want to change your reading taste from serious to the humorous. 
I gave this novel 7.5 out of 10. 

Monday 1 August 2016

Harry Potter series to be taken down by the author J. K Rowling

The world is always together on one thing and that is Harry Potter! No matter from which region you are, you will remain a Potter fan. The Harry Potter mania sparked once again globally as the new book Harry Potter and the cursed child hit the market. Everyone attended the mega event in their respective countries by showing up in the outfits and disguising as the Harry Potter book characters.

But, while we all are celebrating the return of this series, there is a major announcement from the author J. K Rowling that is this going to be the last book of the Harry Potter series. It broke your heart, we know! So did ours. Ouch!

She revealed this bigger news to us when she was asked by a reporter that “Whether there will any other story series based on Harry Potter ?” And Rowling was simply like, “No, No”. She further added that “We are done with the Harry now. Harry had a long way to go that we are now with the next generation reading it, but it is the end of this magnificent series”.

The new book is the script of the play named after Harry Potter and the cursed child that is played in London.

She also said that she never wanted to write another book of Harry Potter after the final seventh book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, but this play is a promising one for the new generation that you will find something very unique.

So fans, you are not entirely left disappointed, but a lot with the anticipation to watch in the stage play of Harry Potter and the cursed child! 

Saturday 30 July 2016

Eleven Minutes

'Love is a terrible thing that will make you suffer'

Sentiments are very mysterious! They keep bouncing from here to there and we stay confused about our lives.
Paulo Coelho is a well known Brazilian novelist who seems like understanding human feelings pretty well and this is why; he can narrate them better than anyone else. We all are aware of his life changing novel The Alchemist that has affected many lives across the globe.
His another international bestseller Eleven Minutes unfolds many answers to your unknown questions. Questions about the topics that we consider being taboo in our societies. It is about the feelings and expressions that are happening around us, but we do not dare to say them or even sense them.
I am a huge fan of Paulo because he dares to speak about human thought in the most lenient way. Once you start reading him and you understand that this is same what I felt too somewhere in life, therefore, it is all normal to feel, think or act in that way.
Did you get it? He is helping you in some way to counter and face your feelings! Thanks Coelho!

So, without much delay, let me tell you what Eleven Minutes are all about:

Eleven Minutes is a true story of a young Brazilian girl (a prostitute) moved to Geneva who understands the difference between Pleasure & Peace by testing her emotional barriers with the help of Ralf Hart (the successful painter) who recognizes her 'inner light' & helps her in seeing it too.

When she sees his 'inner light' & they both get to know that in reaching out to each other it is important to conquer each other's soul because the body is in the possession of everyone they meet.

Since her childhood, Maria has been always thoughtful about finding and meeting her true love. It took her a long way where she learned a lot and act wisely.

During her experiences, she gets to walk on the Road to Santiago along with the painter Ralph whom she was met in a cafe. While she was working in a club, she gets to meet many men who became her usual clients and that was mainly because of her intelligence and listening habits.
She gets to meet an English music executive, Terence as well who helped her understand that she was only concealing her sexual desires until now. He made her recognize her own sexuality and passion through his own dark way, which used to give him pleasure.

The story has many twists and turns that make you feel like if Maria's life will end or she will back off and return to Brazil whereas, she fought with the circumstances like a warrior. She did not withdraw her aim of earning money and worked like a professional sex worker. In reality, she wanted to go back to Brazil, get her own farm, do farming and live with her parents. She was a girl with a plan!

Some of the very powerful scenes of this story are when  she encounters her spirituality with Ralph, who comes out as his soul mate.
The hotel scene with Terence will also make you intrigued with the power of inner sexuality that he made her feeling and it gave Maria the peace that she never came across. 

I would not disclose any more of the details about this novel neither about the title Eleven Minutes so that you could have something to discover yourself. But I can assure you that this novel will not upset you at all rather you will end up with something newest to think about! 
So enjoy this journey of lust to love with Paulo Coelho! 

Friday 29 July 2016

Th1rteen R3asons Why!!!

You Cant Stop the Future. You Cant Rewind the Past.The Only Way to Learn the Secret.. is to Press PLAY"!!

This certainly sounds really horrible, but it is the truth. Not everyone lets go of your words or acts like everyone else and brush it off. Psychological damages haunt the lives of many so deeply. Just like it did with Hannah Baker. 
The International Best Selling Debut novel by Jay Asher explains the very extensive side of feelings that someone could go through. 
I was entirely hooked to it till I get to know all the 13 people & what they have to do with Hannah's suicide. I was angry, heart wrenched, sad & lost as I was getting to know that really how these people becomes so mean that they do not care about other person's feelings. 

The story takes a lead when the other main character Clay Jensen comes home and find this package for him, which contained recorded tapes with a map from his fellow student, Hannah in high school. 
Clay's life jumps upside down when it reveals to him that these tapes are from Hannah, who has committed suicide a few days back. She recorded those tapes before her death so that she could tell everyone that what were the reasons behind taking such extreme step. 

As the name of this novel suggests, there are thirteen reasons involved related to the thirteen people who closely perturb the life of Hannah and are responsible for her death. Most of them are from her school. 
Hannah is mainly talking about the bully, betrayals, liars, and selfish friend's of hers who ran after social statuses, show offs and faux relationships instead of valuing the caring, loving, true and honest people. Many of her male and female friends used her too for their own benefits when she was considering them her very good friends. 

Just like that, she has also talked about those who had been nice to her (like Clay). 
Another character named Tony is the one who is not present in the tapes, but somehow linked to the Hannah. 
Asher has beautifully joined the whole story together with some very valuable lessons that every youngster must keep in mind. 
The scenarios are mostly related to the stories told in the tapes revolving mostly around young age relationship, such as one is when Hannah gets to do her first kiss with her long time crush Justin Foley, but he came out as a player. 
Then there is a guy named Tyler, whom she had called Peeping Tom because he used to peep her in her room with his camera, which sort of harassed her and made her feel unsafe in her own house. 
A girl named Courtney, who used Hannah for saving her image by being good to everyone. 
The story continues with all these characters who broke Hannah's heart and lift her trust from every sort of friendship, love and good deeds. 

Jay Asher has written this novel with simplicity and has put every sentiment very well in its place that nowhere leaves you with the thought that this is his first fiction novel ever. 

Not only for the elders, but this is a novel worth reading for the grownups as well. 

Wednesday 27 July 2016

To Kill a Mockingbird!!

Shoot All the Blue jays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mocking bird.

A classic novel by Harper Lee that was written 50 years ago. 

Lee won Pulitzer Prize for this & when you will read it, you'll get to know Why!

The story revolves around Atticus Finch (a lawyer) who lives with his two minors, Jem (13 years old) & Scout (nearly 9 years old) in Maycomb, Alabama. Atticus is raising his children alone with a black housemaid whom he highly regards. His parenthood depicts the clear view of how Father raise kids as a lone parent. But, Atticus is a man of value who has taught his children to be peace loving and kind with everyone.

Scout is narrating the story with her perception of a 9 years old when she gets to experience changing behaviors & discrimination of White & Black when Atticus (who is White) chooses to contest a case of a black man Tom who was falsely accused with the rape charges.
The story explains the social injustice & racism that used to exists at that time in an American society & surprisingly, it still exists. 
Atticus faced hypocrisy of justice system for his client Tom Robinson, the wrath of the national extremists who tried to harm him & his children, but he advises his children to face it with dignity & morality (something which is very rare these days).

Harper Lee has explained the overall story in such a manner that you feel like being part of every scenario. There are very simple day to day happening being told in the story and you do not get to know that when do you have learned so much from this book as the end arrives.
The basic idea of the novel is to tell others that how discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, color, and language causes destruction to the generations as it was happening with the Tom's family in this story. Not only with the victims, but such behavior is harmful for the society as a whole. Lee explains all this everything from Scout's point of view to her adult readers.
There are many parts of this book, which are my favorite. for instance, when Scout had her first day in the school and totally hates it.
Other one is when Scout, Jem, and Dill bet to make Boo Radley (One of their mysterious neighbors) coming out of his home.
One scene was when their aunt Alex comes to live with them and both children have to adjust according to her.
The scene of court proceedings is also a very powerful chapter to read, it gives you the idea of being present there yourself and witnessing it.
Along with these, there are number of events in this book that you will remember forever.

Written in a flow with humor, logic, simplicity & tragedy, Lee proves that she is one of the splendid writer that English Literature has ever received.
The uncomplicated story has a heart melting effect. You will feel so close to every character and will want to know more about them. 

This book is a recommendation for everyone. Even if you are not a reader type of person!